Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Great Idea

I recently came across an article about yet another smart phone app, but this one was quite impressive.
The app is called Parkopedia and it claims to find you available parking wherever you may be! It's a great idea, in fact, one of the best I've heard recently, but as usual I am a skeptic.
I'll download it now to see if it actually works. I hope it does!

Check out the article here >> 

Sunday, March 13, 2011


For the past week I've been exploring ways to solve an outdoor advertisement for my Quizno's Good food makes noise campaign.
It should speak to the freshness and quality of the product.
I've come across two potential solutions: An elevator ad where the sound of the elevator would mimic the sound of the toaster once the sandwich is done and the other is a billboard of a sandwich that seems normal in the dark however when the sun hits it, the cheese appears to be melting off the sandwich.
Now I have to explore these solutions visually to see if they actually fit in with the message...
So this weeks assignment is to create several different executions of the same concept with copy choices and different visual executions...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Down time

Most of a creative's life consists of downtime. It's when we are sitting in that bar with a beer in hand that an idea will hit us. The solution is usually so obvious and simple it's almost ridiculous it didn't come to us when we were looking for it. 

It's the downtime that helps us come up with ideas and it's the subsequent 24 hr work load that allows us to perfect it.

so this week I encourage a happy hour special, friends, and just in case that idea comes.... a pen.